3.1.2015 - NDS Brno
Judge: P.Řehánek, CZ
Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - Exc.1 CAC, National winner, CAC ČMKU, BOB
Captain Jack Bohemia Horrido - Exc.1 CAC
Captain met conditions of Czech Junior Champion!
Bohemia Horrido na Evropské výstavě v Brně
Captain (on the photo) met conditions of Czech Junior Champion
and his brother Calvin Klein took BOB among 16 entries in breed!

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10.1.2015 - CACIB Nitra, Slovakia
Rozhodčí: W.Burski, PL
Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - V1 CAC, CACIB, New Year winner, BOB, 3rd place BEST IN GROUP
Kevin became Slovak Junior Champion!

Judge: J.Janeková, SK
Bon Jovi Bohemia Horrido /own.: Z+J.Petřík/ - V1 CAC, CACIB, New Year winner, BOB, short listed in group
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11.1.2015 - CACIB Nitra, Slovakia
Judge: J.Matyáš, SK
Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - Exc.1 CAC, CACIB, BOB, short listed in group
Judge: T.Havelka, SK
Bon Jovi Bohemia Horrido /own.: Z+J.Petřík/ - Exc.1 CAC, CACIB, BOB
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7.2.2015 - DUOCACIB Brno
Judges: Jursa Jozef, Ing. / W.Burski, PL - final competitions
Bon Jovi Bohemia Horrido /own.: Z+J.Petříkovi/ - Exc.1 CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG 4th place
Bohemia Horrido Braque d'Auvergne
Bon Jovi was again excellently shown by Katka Navrátilíková. Thank you!

8.2.2015 - DUOCACIB Brno
Judge: L.Jančík, CZ
Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - Exc.1 CAC, CACIB, BOB
Rozhodčí: P.Navrátil, CZ
Bon Jovi Bohemia Horrido /own.: Z+J.Petříkovi/ - Exc.1 CAC, CACIB, BOB
!! Bon Jovi is now Champion of CMKU !!
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19.2.2015 - Jazz celebrates her 8th birthday
Our "Packa" became a veteran!
Bohemia Horrido Braque d'Auvergne

28.2.2015 - IDS Nitra
Judge: M.Václavík
Captain Jack Bohemia Horrido - Exc.1 CAC, CACIB
!! Captain became Slovak Junior Champion !!

Judge: J.Jursa, SK
Bon Jovi Bohemia Horrido /own.: Z+J.Petřík/ - Exc.1 CAC, CACIB, BOB
!! Bon Jovi became Slovak Champion !!
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28.2.2015 - IDS Nitra
Judges: J.Matyáš, M.Blaha
Captain Jack Bohemia Horrido - Exc.1 CAC, CACIB, BOB, res.BEST IN GROUP
Bohemia Horrido basset hound Bohemia Horrido basset hound
Thanks to Martina Travnickova for the photo.
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8.3.2015 - We warmly welcome new member of our pack!
"Emička" was born in Slovenia 25.12.2014. Her sire is an english male exported tu Russia MultiCh.Switherland Regal Edition (Ch.Switherland Royal Edition x Switherland Tender Touch), dam is Blanche Bohemia Horrido (Ch.Wofferlow Border Patrol x MultiCh.Ynes Bohemia Horrido).

Huge thanks to Bernarda and Damian for this lovely girl!!

18.4.2015 - Hunting trials organised by KCHH
Calvin Klein - 1st merit, 146 points, resCACT
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Kevin met conditions of Czech champion.

25.4.2015 - Captain Jack has a new home
Captain Jack Bohemia Horrido is currently staying with our friends Anne-Therese Borch and René Bentsen in Denmark. We couldn't wish a better home for them!
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Captin and hiw new pack - Diego, Evička and Manolla and owner Anne Therese Borch - kennel Benoit.

1.5.2015 - Hunting tests Vysočany - Chomutov
Bouvet Bohemia Horrido "Bruno" excelled at hunting test which he passed with 1st merit, got 221 points and became also winner of tests.
Petr Bydžovský prepared and led Bruno through the tests. Congratulations!

2.5.2015 - Cani cross Nativia challenge - Rokytnice nad Jizerou
Two of our Braque d'Auvergne breedings had their debut with their owners at cani cross race!
Buccaneer Bohemia Horrido and Martina Povolná were 16th in their cathegory and 70th in totall. Bollinger Bohemia Horrido and our Eva were right after them at 17th place and 71st in totall. 28 teams were starting in cathegory of women with dogs under 25 kg and 109 teams were starting at the race in totall.

Among all the races of Nativia challenge this was the most difficult race and during spring and summer 4 more are to come!

2.5.2015 - CACIB Praha
Bouvet Bohemia Horrido (own. P.Bydžovský a M.Slabová) - CAC
Bon Jovi Bohemia Horrido (own. Z.+J.Petříkovi) - rCAC, resCACIB

Bouvet met conditions of Czech Champion! Congratulations!

8.5.2015 - TAN Rakovník
Bon Jovi Bohemia Horrido (own. Z.+J.Petřík) - 1st merit
Buccaneer Bohemia Horrido (own. M.Povolná) - 1st merit

Bon Jovi met conditions of Czech champion!
Congratulations and thanks to owners of both boys for representation!

9.5.2015 Specialty show KCHH Tábor
Judge: Claudia Orlandi (USA, kennel Topsfield)
Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - CAC in winners class
Bassetterre Zara Sophie - VP1 in baby class and BIS BABY
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Calvin Klein - winner of winners class
basset hound Bassetterre Zara Sophie at her show premier, final competitions were judged by MVDr. F.Šimek

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10.5.2015 Club show KCHH Tábor
Judge: Jan Ryk (PL)
Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - CAC in winners class
Bassetterre Zara Sophie - VP1 in baby class and BIS BABY
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Calvin Klein - winner of winners class
basset hound Bassetterre Zara Sophie
Thanks to Míša Přenosilova for Sundays photos!

Eva again handled Dorothy Bohemia Gorgony (own.Jana Čápová), who became BEST OF BREED both days. On Sunday Dorothy took the highest title and became BEST IN SHOW! By this win Dorothy said good bye to her participations at Club shows of KCHH, but a lot of wonderful memories and experiences stay with us!

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10.5.2015 Josef Vančura Memorial
Bouvet Bohemia Horrido "Bruno" and Petr Bydžovský took a part at this prestigeous TAN memorial. Bouvet passed in 1st merit and was at 6th place among 23 presented dogs.
We also recieved great results of Bouvet's HD - 0/0!
Bouvet is now registered among Braque d'Auvergne stud males!
Many thanks to owners Petr and Míla!
Braque d'Auvergne Bouvet Bohemia Horrido - 2 years

16.5.2015 National d'Elevage Cardet, France
For the first time ever we took a part at this huge event for Braque d'Auvergne breed. Eva and Jazz and owners of our breedings Buccaneer, Bon Jovi, Bouvet and Bon Soir went as well.
We spent wonder week in France, during which we managed photo-shooting on a beach near Montpellier and show our dogs at National d'Elevage in France, where we saw almost 100 dogs.
Besides it was also big comeback for Jazz, who returned to show rings after 3 years of break after WDS in Salzburg, where she ended her career by winning World Winner title. Her comeback was more than successful and in the afternoon competitions parents of our B litter (Jazz od Smutné říčky and Valdek du Ruisseau du Montbrun) were in the ring together to compete for the BIS Veteran title. We are thrilled that this title from such a prestigeous show went to our Jazz in the end!

Bon Jovi Bohemia Horrido - Exc.3 in champion class
Bouvet Bohemia Horrido - Exc. in open class
Buccaneer Bohemia Horrido - Exc. and shortlisted among TOP 5 dogs out of 19 in open class
Bon Soir Bohemia Horrido - very good
Jazz od Smutné říčky - Exc.1 in veteran class out of 4 and The Best Veteran of show!

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Dog participants of the trip: Bouvet, Jazz, Buccaneer, Bon Soir and Bon Jovi

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Jazz od Smutné říčky - Exc.1 in veteran class out of 4 and The Best Veteran of show!

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Buccaneer Bohemia Horrido - Exc. and shortlisted among TOP 5 dogs out of 19 in open class

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Bon Jovi Bohemia Horrido - Exc.3 in champion class

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Bouvet Bohemia Horrido - Exc. in open class

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Bon Soir Bohemia Horrido - very good

A few of photos from the beach photoshooting and a few from the "golden hour" in France:

braque d'Auvergne braque d'Auvergne braque d'Auvergne braque d'Auvergne braque d'Auvergne braque d'Auvergne braque d'Auvergne braque d'Auvergne braque d'Auvergne braque d'Auvergne braque d'Auvergne braque d'Auvergne braque d'Auvergne braque d'Auvergne braque d'Auvergne

Many thanks to owners of our puppies for making this trip!

30.5.2015 Club show Basset klub ČR
Judge: Paul Sanders, NL
Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - CAC, Club winner, BOB, BEST IN SHOW
Bassetterre Zara Sophie - VP1 in baby class

We are really pleased to get such a high appreciation from such a strict judge on a Club show of Basset club, which is celebrating 25 years this year!
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10.6.2015 Specialty shows WDS Milano, Italy
Bon Jovi Bohemia Horrido - Exc.1, BOB
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11.6.2015 World dog show Milano, Italy
Judge: Gianni Fulgenzi, IT
Bon Jovi Bohemia Horrido - Exc.3 in champion class
Bouvet Bohemia Horrido - Exc.1, CAC, res.CACIB
Jazz od Smutné říčky - Exc.1, Veteran world winner, BOB Veteran

Judge: B.Müller, CH
Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - Exc.4 out of 16 males in open class
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Jazz od Smutné říčky "Packa" completed her collection of World titles:
JWW (Stockholm 2008), WW (Herning 2010 and Salzburg 2012) and VWW (Milano 2015)

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Bouvet Bohemia Horrido - rCACIB at WDS right after future BOB Green du Ruisseau du Montbrun

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Bouvet Bohemia Horrido

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Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - Exc.4 out of 16 males in open class

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Braque d'Auvergne from the Czech republic at WDS - Bon Jovi Bohemia Horrido, Jazz od Smutné říčky, Bouvet Bohemia Horrido

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Bon Jovi and Bouvet Bohemia Horrido, handling: Kateřina Navrátilíková

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27.6.2015 Intercanis Brno
Judge: Tibor Havelka, SK / J.Smojver-Selimovic
Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - Exc.1 CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG 3rd
Judge: Z.Müller
Jazz od Smutné říčky - Exc.1, Best Veteran, BOB veteran, BOB

Kevin met conditions of Champion ČMKU!

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Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido, thanks for photo to

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18.7.2015 NDS Mladá Boleslav
Judge: L.Ubrová
Bouvet Bohemia Horrido - CAC, National winner, CAC ČMKU and BOB, shorlisted in BIG

1.8.2015 Water tests, OMS Písek
Buccaneer Bohemia Horrido - 1st merit, 5th place out of 12
Many thanks to his owner Martina Povolna for her time and work with Buccaneer!

5.9.2015 La Sportiva Ultralabák - canicross race
Jirka Šedivý and Bon Soir Bohemia Horrido were placed on 2nd place (men run with dogs).
Race was 21,4km and elevation was 720m.
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7.9.2015 News from Australia
Australian offsprings of our Al Capone Bohemia Horrido (*9.2.2010, sire: MultiCh.Velvet Bohemia Horrido, dam: Zofia Queen's Hermelín, own. Bryan Mangelsdorf, Australia) are doing very well in show rings!
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Aust Ch Yarramba Lets Get To It "Angel" - daughter of Alcapone Bohemia Horrido - won BEST IN SHOW at Basset Hound Club of NSW Championship Show in April 2015. Her sister Yarramba Victoria's Secret going was rBIS!

13.9.2015 Clubsieger schau BHC Selingenporten, Germany
Judge: D.Witkowska, PL
Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - Exc.1, VDH Anwartschaft, CAC, Clubsieger, BOB, BEST IN SHOW
Bassetterre Zara Sophie - VP1
Calvin Klein and Zara Sophie - 1st in braces
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Kevin made it again and won german club show. German challenge trophies are staying with us for one year more!
Many thanks for the photo to Sylvia Werner.

26.9.2015 CACIB Tulln, Austria
Judge: L.Mach, CH
Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - Exc.1, CACA, CACIB, BOB, Crufts 2016 qualification
Judge: P.Poduschka-Aigner, A
Bon Jovi Bohemia Horrido - Exc.1, CACA, CACIB, BOB

27.9.2015 CACIB Tulln (Club winner show ÖBLC), Austria
Judge: E.Kralicek, A / M.Blaha, A
Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - Exc.1, CACA, CACIB, BOB, Club Winner 2015 ÖBLC, 3rd palce BIG
Judge: J.Eberhardt, D / E.Kuleshova, RUS
Bon Jovi Bohemia Horrido - Exc.1, CACA, CACIB, BOB, 3rd palce BIG

! Both boys are now qualified for C.I.B. title!

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Bon Jovi Bohemia Horrido with his handler Katka Navrátilíková. Thank you for your help!
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The Best female and The Best male of austrian club show: Swede Suns Adette (BOS) and Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido (BOB)
Many thanks to kennel Funny Hunters for the photo.

Motorbike trip to USA
In September 2015 we made a big trip in west of USA for 3 weeks, and made our record of more than 6 thousand kilometers riding on Harley Davidson Electra Glide. We visited californian coast highway nr.1, from San Francisco to San Diego, across deserts to Las Vegas to Grand Canyon, on Route 66 in Arizona, across Death Valley and South Sierra, National Parks Sequoia and Yosemite, ski region Mammoth Lakes, Lake Tahoe and back with stop in Sacramento for Basset Hound Club of America´s National Show to watch. We also visited our "boy child" Braque d´Auvergne Balzac Bohemia Horrido, called Rex, who lives in Camarillo, California.

17.10.2015 Autumn hunting tests, Lety
Buccaneer Bohemia Horrido (maj. M.Povolná) - 1st merit, 1st place
Bon Jovi Bohemia Horrido (maj. Z.Petříková) - 1st merit, 2nd place

24.-25.10.2015 IDS Bratislava
saturday - judge: V.Staviarska
Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - CAC, rCACIB
Bassetterre Zara Sophie - CAJC, BOJ

sunday - judge: J.Matyáš
Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - CAC, rCACIB
Bassetterre Zara Sophie - CAJC, BOJ, Crufts 2016 qualification
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Bassetterre Zara Sophie "Emička" with her sire MultiCh. Switherland Regal Edition, who was BOB and resBIG on Saturday.
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Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - 2,5 years

5.-6.12.2015 IDS Wels
Saturday - judge: J.Coppens, NL
Bassetterre Zara Sophie - Jugendbester
Saturday - judge: Chris Hancock, IRL
Bouvet Bohemia Horrido (maj. M.Slabová) - CACA, rCACIB

Sunday - judge: H.Zimmerman
Bassetterre Zara Sophie - Jugendbester
Sunday - judges: Yolanda Nagel, M.Blaha
Bouvet Bohemia Horrido (maj. M.Slabová) - CACA, CACIB, BOB, 3rd place BIG
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Bassetterre Zara Sophie - 2x Jugendbester
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Bouvet Bohemia Horrido - 3rd place BEST IN GROUP, judge: M.Blaha,A

11.12.2015 Holland Cup Amsterdam, NL
judge: J.Coppens, NL
Bassetterre Zara Sophie - Exc.1, rCAC, 2nd best female
Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - Exc.2 in working class
judge: W. Hochstenbach, NL
Bouvet Bohemia Horrido (own. M.Slabová) - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

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Bouvet Bohemia Horrido

13.12.2015 Amsterdam winner, NL
judge: D.Spavin, UK
Bassetterre Zara Sophie - Exc.2nd in Junior class
Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido - Exc.1 in working class, The Best working basset hound
judge: T.Pehar, HR
Bouvet Bohemia Horrido (own. M.Slabová) - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, Amsterdam winner, BOB

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Calvin Klein Bohemia Horrido "Kevin", judge: D.Spavin, UK

25.12.2015 Emička celebrates her 1st birthday
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Bassetterre Zara Sophie

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